Sunday, April 14, 2013


The unseasonal, climate-changed weather was the story again this week. At first the ice on the pond was almost melted. We can now see that many medium-sized pondfish survived the winter. The bad news is that many of the smallest fish did not, and the largest fish are missing ----- probably taken by the herons back in November. Another sign of the season is this skull (deer? dog?) found in the bush. Oh, and that's not a pile of raisins on the ground!

Then midweek the whole province was hit by a train of storms bringing rain, sleet, snow, and especially gale force winds covering everything in ice. The winds  kept up so long that icicles formed at angles, and ice lines marked on trees sideways, like white bar codes. (What would come up if we scanned them at a checkout??) Branches, crocus, and rock walls became coated in ice like plastic paperweights for your desk.

Today, though, is partly sunny and tomorrow is supposed to be 16C. The new growth such as this fuzzy strawberry bud will speed up. And some much-appreciated  sunlight will finally give winter the one-finger salute goodbye!

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