Saturday, January 26, 2013


Only a 5 minute walk from us is the Paradise Community Centre. It's a hidden gem that has become a home-away-from-home for Americans and Canadians. A non-profit hive of activity, it gives Do-Gooders a good name! All revenues go to outreach projects such as providing 30,000 meals a year to locals in the poorer, far-flung edges of town and jungle.

Every aspect contributes to the fund-raising. There's a popular cafe, book exchange, and bar. But the weekly schedule is crammed with yoga, movies, line-dancing, painting/drawing, bridge, cooking class, a non-denominational worship service, local talent nights, and the most popular Saturday market co-op around. Pat takes Zumba and Spanish lessons. (What do I take ? ---  pictures!)

But last night was a magical 2-hour concert by a local group called the Banderas Bay Jazz All-Stars. These guys have played with Santana, Credence Clearwater,  Paul Butterfield, and tour elsewhere in the warmer months. Each of the quartet is an absolute master of his instrument, as the solos proved. They close their eyes and disappear into the music right before your eyes. Original tunes (like a haunting flute echo of the whales in the bay) to "You Are My Sunshine" (coincidentally Pat's childhood fave) to Marvin Gaye's "What's Goin' On?" to "Ode to Billy Joe" --- all jazzed up and flying high freestyling. Closed with "Europa", a sultry riff you would recognize right away. But the sax/flute player Bryan Savage is an unearthly talent, making the capacity crowd roar as he took us real high and real low. Listen in to him on itunes or CD's if you can. Just amazing.

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