Thursday, July 26, 2012


Woke up in Indian Head, Saskatchewan. Surprised to realize that this is the town where exterior scenes are shot for the hit Canadian series "Little Mosque On the Prairie". (Coincidence? this is the Muslim holy month of Ramadan...) Asked at the tourist office and was told the church/mosque was only a facade that has been torn down. But you can still see the restaurant and gazebo where Amar and Rianna made us laugh.

Otherwise, it was a pretty uneventful drive in 3 provinces. Hundred-car trains carrying grain, oil, or these giant wind turbine bases passed often ---- we seldom see a train in Ontario at all anymore. The Red River that regularly floods lower Manitoba seemed very ordinary. The terrain changed from flat grassy prairie to rolling rocky Canadian shield with uncountable lakes. We're at Lake of the Woods for the night, near Kenora. Tonight's headlines say that 3 tornadoes touched down in Saskatchewan near where we were yesterday.

Can anybody out there combine all those bits and pieces into a clever title for today?

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