Friday, February 11, 2011

Jubilation for Egypt

I've been privileged to follow the events in Cairo for the past 18 days and can't describe the jubilation I share with the people of Egypt. All of us should hope that we can feel this at least once in our life --- some sense of justice done, of tyrants overthrown, of people massing to be free. Savouring this truly historic moment in cheers, tears, disbelief in the speed of change.

It has been 32 years to the day of the revolution in Iran. It has been a few weeks since revolution in Tunisia. Who's next --- Morocco? Thailand? And my long-running thought: what would it take for Canadians to protest en masse against their current morons? Tear gas was used against peaceful protestors (including me) in Quebec City in 1996. Pepper spray against peaceful protest in Vancouver. Gas, spray, beatings, and lies against peaceful protestors in Toronto last summer. If a distinguished country like Egypt, the leader in the Arab world, can do the unthinkable, so can we. I suspect there are many ready to follow the lead of the courageous in Tahrir Square.

It will be a long grind before Egypt is stable again but the first steps have been taken. Huge huge huge admiration and praise, I wish I had been there. Fantastic. Words fail. Allah akbar.

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