Sunday, November 1, 2020


Scary things going on these days, some traditional/imaginary but some very very scary for real. COVID has restricted so much of life, including last night's Hallowe'en. And the full blue moon added to the creepiness of the times.

The weather is closing in with the time change this morning. The last leaves are begrudgingly dropping off. Ice is forming in the bird bath. A flock of young purple finches has been gorging all week, like travelers not knowing if there's food down the road. 

A normal delivery of cedar mulch got botched and scary. The driver was mature but inexperienced. After making ruts all over the property, he started to dump the 9-yard load in the right spot. But then he had to move forward and dumped most of the load blocking the driveway. "Sorry --- at least we didn't charge you for delivery." That's like saying "trick, no treat!". We had to move most of the load manually, out of the way.

On the plus side, the week brought lots of heartfelt memories. It's been 33 years since I got 36 and went to work on it. It's been a magnificent 7 for us. And it would have been my dad's birthday today. Any strengths and abilities I have are all from him. Say his name!: Walter Wyszynski. 😢😍

But the very very very scary elephant in the room is this week's election in the States. Ultimately, what kind of a nation? What kind of people? My opinion is well known, and I don't trust either the polls or the incumbents. I'm hoping for the best but dreading the worst...

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