Sunday, November 29, 2020


What's the treasure you're hunting these days? Our foxy lady saw these 7 squirrels and probably dreamt of a feast. But like those old vitamins, one-a-day would be really healthy. Did she or didn't she??

November is ending on a mild spell this weekend. Sunrise is far to the south. Tonight's full moon is crisp in the clean cold air. Tomorrow brings snowfall but even that might not keep the fishers at home.

Even though the Great Lakes are still ice-free, it's officially the end of the navigation season so the Coast Guard is taking in all the channel marking buoys. And a new sight at area farms ---- an elaborate system of cables and poles. Can you guess what they're for (hint: it's called "Frutop")?

My treasure hunt showed up in the form of dozens of boxes of stuff passed on to me by my brother. Time capsules, revelations, and heartwarming memories to be opened like a thousand Christmas presents. One big portion is cloth, materials, and clothing from many decades and addresses. That's Pat's treasure-to-be-discovered. For me, so far it's priceless artifacts and heritage mysteries. Who wore these tiny delicate lace gloves? White bow tie? Costume jewelry? And then piles of pictures ---- many rare posed studio portraits--- to be named and smiled about.

So that will be the winter Treasure Hunt, just right for these stay-at-home times. There's the fake Student Card I used to backpack the world at a discount! What other treasures await....

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