Sunday, October 25, 2020


 It's so great to find, see, or create vivid colours up here during these dark times. This smoke bush leaf grabbed attention, resembling indigenous patterns --- but who made patterns so elegant? Then a late rhubarb leaf turned completely and unusually crimson. And the dominant poplar tree kept green tips as the yellow advanced up the branches, like October stalking June.

The ferry Chi-Cheemaun returned to home port for the winter, ablaze in colour whether it passed by or at anchor.

Domestic duties continue amidst the colours. The green apple tree gets the annual haircut. Stalks are cut and become animal sheltering. Somebody rakes leaves, somebody else throws them around. Indoors, check out all the colours in the curry!

The weather was also colourful, but in a climate-changing ominous way. One day it's 25C, the next day threatening clouds and nearby tornados formed. Fierce winds blew down thousands of apples. And for the grand finale a rainbow challenged the trees to a colouring contest.

In the semi-light of dawn our red fox gobbled up chicken skin and even licked the paper, like I would lick the plate! We're hoping he moves up to turkey. A young goldfinch snacks on cone flower seeds, just like the gardener hoped. And a vivid yellow/black/white evening grosbeak capped off a week of welcome colour. Now, where's that bright orange pumpkin for next Saturday...

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