Sunday, December 25, 2016


Merry Christmas to everybody out there! We're counting our blessings this morning but it's kind of betwixt and between. We couldn't get to a family gathering last week but we will be going to a family gathering this afternoon. So, we're early but late...

It was a classic First Day of Winter. So cold that the bay steamed like a tea kettle. So much snow that small cars could disappear. And who could possibly live in that house up on the ridge?

There's enough ice forming up here for all your holiday drinks. The birds bypass the 'cicles to get the good stuff, but some other creatures just wanna have fun. Afterwards, she keeps smiling by getting into the new sewing machine. I don't have to turn up the cuffs on my jeans any more!

Outside, the roof had to be prepared for a safe landing for Santa's sleigh. The ice is so thick I'm using my dad's 70-year old steel chisel to get through. And then the snow is a foot thick and getting heavy. All clear, Rudolph!

One drawback to the festivities is that one of us has been fighting severe sore throat/coughing/cold and the other might be coming down with the same thing. So we can reach for the pile of meds, but it's much better to reach for the love and good wishes today brings. Merry Christmas to our family, friends, and viewers all over the world...

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