Friday, February 7, 2014


We are now avoiding bus rides over 5 hours, and any of the big cities en route because of the air pollution, ridiculous traffic jams, and massive throngs of people. Coincidentally, there are many budget airlines that are actually cheaper and way faster than bus or trains. Go figure, Canada. So we leapfrogged over the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur and flew directly to Singapore (Air Asia, 800 miles, $75). It was like taking off from a 1950's horror B-movie and then landing in the latest sci-fi fantasy film. Singapore has old China heritage but the most impressive and sleek buildings/rapid transit/urban tropical forest.

The on-line booking description lied. The Hotel Amrise (small, no window, but a/c and hot shower, $58) is further out from the downtown. We're traveling on a very efficient tourist-priced transit pass but there's a lot of changing stations. On our first day out Chinese New Year is still being lion-danced. Men in Chinatown play complicated checkers. Temples are riots of red and gold = luck and prosperity. What is startling is that Singapore normally has thundershowers every day but there has been no rain for 3 weeks, the driest in 20 years.
 I worked in Singapore in 1986 and 1987. Pat and I were here in 1998. It's great to be back to such an ambitious progressive place.

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