Monday, February 10, 2014


You can't miss the Singapore Flyer, the world's tallest Ferris Wheel at 541 feet up. It dominates the waterfront and overlooks the Singapore Formula 1 Race Circuit and all fireworks displays --- what a viewpoint for both! You can also see Malaysia (our previous stop) and Indonesia (our next) from above. But mostly it's a unique opportunity for an unobstructed view of the magical skyline and harbour. Love is in the air!

A night "flight" (that's what they call the ride) is the most dramatic. The Flyer never stops rotating --- you get on and off in motion (and try to ignore  the safety net rigged below for stragglers). There are 28 cabins of 280 square feet holding a max of 28 passengers in quiet a/c comfort. We had 20 fellow flyers and moved around easily. It takes 30 minutes to do a complete 360 degree flight ---- do the math, how many degrees does it fly per minute?? The steelwork and engineering defies explanation of how did they do this?

But the real awe is in the views in all directions. Ships at anchor in inky seas. Vehicles reduced to Hot Wheel toy cars below. Jaw-dropping magnificent skyscrapers competing for eye-time. Reaching the top you realize you are higher than anything around; the vertigo kicks in and there may be a little wobble in your legs. It is an unearthly sensation of ---- flying!

Too soon you come in to land. It has been exhilarating and you can't help but look up, look WAY up!

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