Monday, February 24, 2014


You can do your culture-vulturing at a dozen venues in Ubud, from ancient canopies to lotus pond courtyards. We've seen two classic dance and music performances that are unique to Bali's history and legends, and mesmerisingly entertaining to boot. These photos can only try to get across the exquisite movements and syncopating rhythms. You're in a trance but don't blink --- the dancers never do!

"Kecak" is a classical style performed by over 100 dancers and singers (only 60 in the audience!). True to the primitive origins, there are no instruments --- the only sounds are from haunting human voices and catchy handclapping. Sounds like "chek-cheka-chek-cheka" and "gecko-gecko-gecko"! It's a dramatization of the conflict between good and evil, prisoners and freedom, arrows and monkeys. It evolved from the essential religious function of maintaining the well-being of the village. Can you tell the bad guys?? And for good measure they add  a riding-your-horse-through-fire dance.

The second concert was a combination of Sekar, Baris, Legong, and Jauk. The music is entirely a jarring but enchanting hammer-on-brass percussion (and a whistle-flute). The expressive dances dramatize Balinese warriors, entertaining the king, 2 bumblebees, and the effervescence of youth. (How do I know all this? --- it's in the one-page program!!) We were blown away by the intensity of these two events, and it helps that they are fundraisers so local kids can continue to learn and honour their heritage....

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