Monday, December 31, 2012


Cold then hot, weatherwise and under the collar! Yesterday was one of those jam-packed days, in this case starting low then hitting highs then back to lows. Our 3:30am wake-up call didn't happen, which was an omen for later I guess. The two flights featured the usual sheep-like immigration lines (slow for the US, fastest ever in Mexico!). I still love looking out the window ---- this time at sunrise on the winglet, the Dallas sports stadia, parched land with artificial lakes, and the sprawl of Guadalajara.

Arriving at Puerto Vallarta was like grinning to see an old friend missing for a few years. Aggressive taxi drivers amazed I can say "No thanks" in Spanish. Decrepit local bus drivers smiling to hear that same gringo wish him "Happy New Year" in his language. Familiar rivers, cobbled roads, and dozens of licence plates. We shlepped our packs the last half km uphill, just like home! Our rental unit is better than advertised --- description later this week. Just felt great to be surrounded in bright colours and happy faces.

Took a walk along the shore through Sunday crowds of gringos and locals alike: the former in green or blue chairs, the latter in the sands and rivers of their hometown. Then two setbacks. First our bank cards were inexplicably refused by several ATM's. I brought enough pesos for a day or so, but a bit of sweat until Bank Azateca coughed up the cash. Much worse was the bad camera karma: I offered to take a picture of a family (of 20!) but my camera got dropped in the handoff. The last picture here proves it still works, but the view window now looks like shattered glass. Every picture is now a no-see um. Damn!!

So today it was out on the streets early to find a gym for my workouts, but also a new camera on short notice ---- the fireworks are tonight!   

Saturday, December 29, 2012


The recent snowfalls make it easy to see all the animal tracks around the yard. You can spot rabbit, deer, mouse, fox, and many many turkeys. It's the heaviest December snow in two years, so it's not hard to get pretty pictures, except for that guy shoveling!

But we've decided to make tracks too. The house is drained and shut down. Yesterday a car battery had to be hauled UP the hill for winter. Today the tarped luggage had to be slid DOWN the hill for the start of our latest journey. (There was neighbour Glen flooding his outdoor rink by sump-pumping from the creek!) A ride to Owen Sound, a shuttle bus to Toronto, and a great online price for a room and before you know it we're across the road from Terminal 3. Four points for the room (out of 5) but no points for the in-house restaurant. Worst grilled veggies, EVER, by unanimous vote.

So it's goodnight from the Four Points of the compass, but in which direction are we headed tomorrow??

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Our second Christmas dinner of 2012 broke a lot of nutrition rules, so of course it was really yummy from tender capon to homemade apple dumpling. All preceded by Pat's shrimp with secret cocktail sauce, etc., etc. It's payback time this morning on the treadmill...

On the drive home we detoured through the 25th annual Festival of Northern Lights in Owen Sound. It's a community decoration event that has grown to brighten the spirits of locals including us walking along the river in the cold. There are the expected Christmas themes such as Rudolph, Santa on a Harley, the 12 Days of Christmas, and presents under the tree. But since the lights will be on into January, it's the more timeless displays that stand out. Hockey players, wise old owls, migrating geese and small aircraft are common sights here. But can you spot the salmon leaping up the waterfall? How about the Olympic curler? Best in show for me ---  the Canadian flag and the wish "To Your Good Health"!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Take a look at the previous blog post and then at the first picture today. The view has changed into its winter whites just in time for Bing Crosby, and for our neighbour whose snowmobile is always fuelled and on standby (even in July!). Our bird feeders have long lineups at the fly-through. Squirrels and woodpeckers take turns feasting on the home-made suet blobs, recipe at

Down at the bottom of the hill our friend Frosty checks the mail and the propane tank. Thanks for your warm cards, and we're grateful for our warm home. Our thoughts and hearts go out to those alone or in hospital today, call or visit if you can. We've spent the morning with carols and we'll spend the evening with Carol. Our lives are blessed, so we wish you the best in health and happiness. Merry Christmas everybody!

Sunday, December 23, 2012


The week started off in green, with winter arriving in southernmost light but no snow. Then the world didn't end with the Mayan calendar on the 21st but howling winds brought 4 inches of white to cheer up the snowboarders and give the turkeys places to hide, away from the oven. We walked down the hill in snowboots for the first time this season, on our familiar drive to Michigan for a pre-Christmas family get-together. On the way are full-mast wind turbines in Ontario but half-mast flags in Michigan --- shared sorrow over the massacre of children in Connecticut. Shared grief helps, but it will take more than flags to reduce the madness of guns in America. The Rest of The World watches in disbelief.

That downer is set aside as warmth from the kitchen and from family smiles fill the house when we arrive. Sons and daughters out from school, expectant couple, golfers temporarily without game, jokes about holiday nuts, stories from work or travel or (gulp!) Weight Watchers! All digested along with the latest in a decades-old tradition of turkey, special veggies, and sweet treats.

But we're blue because we're missing very important members of our already small group. One is from the fab four of siblings who is absent for the first time in my memory, and we want her back asap. The other is a beloved aunt hospitalized just the day before. We're hoping for a Christmas miracle to get her home.

On the drive home, the roads were clear and dry until blowing snow welcomed us back to Georgian Bluffs by midnight. Good thing Santa had been waiting at the border to guide us!