Sunday, July 31, 2022


Feeling gloomy this morning as the sun rises reminiscent of equatorial Africa. Record heat, glacial melting, Ukraine, and the craziness in the USA don't provide optimism. Like these fishers, the world is going in circles instead of solving things in a straight line...

But the creatures up here just keep on with Nature's ways. Tussock moth caterpillars have hatched in swarming numbers. A well-fed cat from somewhere down the hill comes up here to ---- hunt? And this chipmunk resorts to eating bear poop, now that our feeding has stopped. Yuk, ugh, and gross??

The joy of the week was meeting Ralph and Rebecca, a godly couple in Minden. They have a history of helping humanity at home and abroad. They even sold me her car, with the money going to dig wells in Africa and donating goats to give a life to women there. Thanks in two ways, you guys!

It's a 1966, a year I haven't had yet. (Ironically, I drove Route 66 in '66 with a buddy back in high school ---- maybe we passed this car in Albuquerque??) A joy to drive home on a warm night, top down. It needs some tweaking and attention to detail. But everywhere we cruise is now a route 66...

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