Sunday, July 31, 2022


Feeling gloomy this morning as the sun rises reminiscent of equatorial Africa. Record heat, glacial melting, Ukraine, and the craziness in the USA don't provide optimism. Like these fishers, the world is going in circles instead of solving things in a straight line...

But the creatures up here just keep on with Nature's ways. Tussock moth caterpillars have hatched in swarming numbers. A well-fed cat from somewhere down the hill comes up here to ---- hunt? And this chipmunk resorts to eating bear poop, now that our feeding has stopped. Yuk, ugh, and gross??

The joy of the week was meeting Ralph and Rebecca, a godly couple in Minden. They have a history of helping humanity at home and abroad. They even sold me her car, with the money going to dig wells in Africa and donating goats to give a life to women there. Thanks in two ways, you guys!

It's a 1966, a year I haven't had yet. (Ironically, I drove Route 66 in '66 with a buddy back in high school ---- maybe we passed this car in Albuquerque??) A joy to drive home on a warm night, top down. It needs some tweaking and attention to detail. But everywhere we cruise is now a route 66...

Sunday, July 24, 2022


The birds are fewer and quieter these days as they teach the young ones to fly and fend. But there are still lots of signs of local life. Butterflies share with bumblebees on swamp milkweed. A young oriole flits around on the smorgasbord. The fox looks undernourished. And the black bear casually saunters past the cars --- will it look under the covers?

Yardwork goes on. What one brings down with the chain saw, the other hauls away with muscle power.

Sunrise is a little later each day but the heat is still on. Occasional rain showers bring classic rainbows. 

Ever see your car's catalytic converter? Me either till this week. The old one rusted away at the worst spot. The new one is quiet and s$$$hiny. 

Still looking on the horizon for something red with white on top. Could it be these clouds? Nope, I guess it's just pie a la mode...(What, you assumed something else??)

Sunday, July 17, 2022


 Did he, or didn't he howl at the full moon? Admire the colours of the lily?

Yes _______        No  _______

Did he, or didn't he, run away with the foxes? Run away to sea?

Yes  _______       No  _______

Did he, or didn't he, fall off the ladder? Kiss a frog?

Yes   _______      No   _______

Did he, or didn't he, choose the healthier snack?

Yes   _______      No   _______

Did he, or didn't he ------- AGAIN...

Yes   _______     No   _______

Sunday, July 10, 2022


The foxtail flower is more colourful and vibrant than the real fox tail these days. We hope both stay healthy and well nourished.

Another road trip, this time a little further with overnights. Car shows are back, especially in small towns like Tillsonburg. A white Polara parked right in front of us. How did the driver know I had that same car but in a medium turquoise? Also note the T-bird in Emberglow with a parchment interior: a rare and favourite colour combo. At another town, Best In Show for me was this ultra rare Imperial convertible. For Pat, the unique period houndstooth pattern on a '68 Camaro.

Arriving in Leamington, the landmark Heinz chimney was across the street. Over 100 years making ketchup. My dad and I worked overnight shifts catching hampers of tomatoes in peak season. He had to last weeks because he was laid off at his normal factory job. I lasted 1 night. Who's my hero?

The main objective of the trip was Pelee Island. An iconic, even mythical place since my childhood but never seen. We've been trying to get out there for years! Even in the rain our expectations were high. Things went downhill on arrival. No buzz on the small main strip of scarce shops and history, not even a simple coffee outlet. Mud roads all around the perimeter, no sign of locals in daily life. Some interest, such as the most southerly school in Canada. But major disillusionment about Pelee Island ---- the thrill is gone. 

Going home through my home town the point of interest is the new Gordie Howe bridge under con$$truction. And I was reminded of a boyhood phenomenon ---- masses of what I called Mayflies, also called fish flies or shad flies. Millions hatch at once out of nowhere. Sidewalks become slick and cars get accessorized. Yuk. 

Shout out to warm, adrenalin memories of July 7 in a far-off galaxy long long ago. Go bulls!

Back up the hill, the smallest monarch caterpillar we've ever spotted. Proof of life!

My girlfriend Iris has departed. But at least I've got Rose and Lily...