Sunday, May 22, 2022


 It's the Victoria Day long weekend, supposedly the unofficial start of summer with cottages, boats and fireworks. Our fireworks are at dawn when sunset lights up all directions. The pond comes alive --- how many frogs are dancing on the head of this pin?

Tulips and other bulbs have had their show. Now comes the next spring wave with peonies, lilac, and redbud. Are they early this year --- or late compared to your zone?

Mayday harvest is the yummy fresh asparagus almost every day. For later in the season, in go the tomatoes and lettuce. Chef salad coming up!

Also out there in May is the traditional free pile. Lumber goes fast, tires not so much. In the pond, a pile of free floaters ---- water hyacinth that provide oxygen and shade.

The storm that caused death and damage in southern Ontario formed over us but passed by. Creepy. We had the full "blood" moon ---- is that why the bats literally spread out?

Hope springs eternal. Not one fish survived the last winter in the pond. But another May ritual ---- the stocking of a couple dozen orange and browns. They're called "feeder" fish"---- I hope not!

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