Sunday, May 29, 2022


 We stayed in the city for last weekend's Victoria Day holiday. After two years of restrictions the crowds are returning for harbour tours, Beaver Tails (look it up!), and boats almost too big for their bridges.

The fun event was the "Junior" at Harbourfront Centre. Fun for families in 26 tents and shows. Toronto's diversity showcased bigtime. Bollywood got everyone up and posing. Our hips still hurt!

Rare and unfamiliar guitar-like instruments. Do you know what these are?

Colourful and proud native peoples' spirit circle drew us in. Then Afro-Caribbean-Canadian air-o-batics kept us spellbound. Not one fall or bruise!

Back at The View we picked it and nailed it!

It looks like Red Season up here. Rhubarb, strawberries, the last tulip.

And more. Red maple, smoke bush, Japanese maple, and 50 shades of reddish.

But the blossoms and petals have had their days. Like the weather, a change is coming in the city...

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