Sunday, January 23, 2022


Toronto got hit with 18 to 25 inches of snow in one day, in the top 5 dumps since records began. A complete winter wonderland all at once. Bicycles and scooters had a tough time but the clearing got underway and is still going on today...

Snow angels appeared in the drifts. A snow devil near an igloo? Definitely not a snow mouse so we helped it back to a hidey-hole. Looking forward to our next Mexican treat, but when??

Record cold had also hit the area, with -25C wind chill. So, how's the ice cover? Swans and ducks are light enough, and they can paddle. But hockey guys (Canadian, eh?) skated out on thin ice a half-mile from shore. Other skaters glided by ominous pack ice. A family with kids and their dog strolled along, a long way from rescue. Wanna try it?

Despite the weather, couldn't resist a visit to our real home. Follow that snowplow --- that's the house's snow roof, top of the hill. Crisp fresh air makes the hill climb easier. Everything's OK up there but when the feeder's empty the birds have gone.

Back at the quay, the ice breaker weaves random channels. Police ice boats can skim ice and water, hoping not to have to rescue those skaters. Hang in there, we're only 2 months til spring!

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