Sunday, July 25, 2021


 Finally, breezy sunny summer weather in the last week in Vancouver. A peacock strutted its stuff. Bananas grew on the side streets. It was a reflection of what we had expected all along.

But happy to fly home to our serene View. Masked up for 5 hours. Soared right over our peninsula. Got home in time to see the full "buck" moon --- welcome back!!

In the morning it was obvious how a rainy 30 days with heat had the gardens and yards run amok. When the groundskeepers are away, the plants will play. Nice to see all green instead of summer dry brown. But the mower and whipper will be working overtime. 

Late bloomers still manage to stand out from the jungle. Smoke bush, goose necks, hollyhocks, and others I can't name. Colour us anything but green!

Lots of catch-up needed. Checking out seeds planted in June. Rehanging the feeders --- will any birds be back? Picking tubs of big raspberries.

A downpour here was good to see, after a month out west with no rain at all. Followed by colour clouds showing the all-clear. 

Oh --- also in our first morning, a very healthy black bear wandered through. Share the berries!!

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