Sunday, July 4, 2021


 So much beauty in B.C., both outdoor scenery and indoor artistry. Ferries glide in and out of picturesque coves. Victorian clubhouses host hi-tech sculling. Iconic Haida artist Bill Reid now has his own gallery. Painting (the Raven), woodwork (the Final Exam), and sculpture (Communication ---- see the tongues?). 

But we are witnessing nature's revenge as the climate catastrophe continues to be ignored. World-record heat in the town of Lytton, and then the town is incinerated by consuming wildfires. Biblical? Hotter in B.C. than in the desert of Las Vegas. Hundreds of fires, some headed our way. Extreme drought from Alaska to B.C. to western USA to Mexico's water crisis. And on top of that, new variants of COVID lurking and ready to pounce. What's it going to take to be noticed by the masses.


A quiet interlude out to Capilano University where the most flourishing community gardens are nearing peak production. Raspberries by the basketfull and everything else from beans, apples, tomatoes, strawberries, etc. Must be something in the gardeners' dedication, but still inspiration for the plots back home.

Canada Day was like no other. While there were still traces of celebration and Mounties, most events were cancelled. We are a troubled country, forced finally to confront the horrors of residential schools and unmarked graves of children. "They stole our children to steal our land..."  Symbolic orange shirts more evident than red maple leaves. Will "Every Child matters" have some lasting effect??

Todays' blog is sombre for all the reasons above but also personal troubles. More than a month now of roller-coaster pain from a stubborn hip/muscle injury. Ruining plans for lots of hikes and outdoor activity on our stay. Physio and massage continue...


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