Sunday, June 13, 2021


 Fur. The brazen black bear has smashed our feeder and others in the area. The feeder was taken down and we haven't seen Blackie since. The fox is another story ----- visiting often but looking skinny.

Fog. Heat wave + cold wave = rain and fog. The iconic point was shrouded, then sunny. Reminds of the "Long White Cloud": the Maori name for New Zealand.

Festive. For Birthday Week the daytrip was McGregor Point, known for distinct flora, winding trails, and awesome birding. A place to reflect when things seem upside down? The Other Guy got a much-needed homecut.

Freaky? Snakes by land and by sea...

Flowers. After bulbs and tree blossoms, the showy blooms burst like a fireworks finale. Not many bees around but what a pile of pollen. Tiny wild strawberries glow red like a traffic light saying "Stop and look at me too..."

Flutter. Butterflies have arrived but only in small numbers so far. Monarchs here, swallowtails there.

Free. Our annual Free Pile got rid of a lot of stuff. Here's the "Before" picture. What got snapped up first?

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