Sunday, June 7, 2020


Did you see the full moon last night? Native peoples called it the strawberry moon for the ripening of that fruit. It sure looked berry pink and tasty from here. But that sight was bittersweet after all the turmoil of the week. The world up here is so serene and removed, all I can do is symbolically protest police brutality and indifference. George Floyd.

Maintenance and repairs continue. The water cube had to be cleaned up, righted, patched, and placed on a sturdier concrete stand.

Those barn-find canning jars have also been cleaned up and readied for the next era era of preserves.

Thick moss on the north side of the shed had to be sprayed with copper sulphate and scraped off. Yuk.

The gardens always need tending and there's always room for more!

Snakes are very active these days, sunning on rocks and denning to give birth. Notice the wound  on the side of the water snake --- ulcer or attack bite?

Annuals and perennials compete for Most Showy in the yard. Smell nice too!

Most of the birds have gone silent as they nest quietly. Some still go public like the phoebe. Others show affection like these doves.

But all this beauty is overshadowed by the pain and heartache of injustice felt in so many ways. The injustice of father to daughter, of brother to brother, of abysmal President to his own people, of humanity's destruction of it's own environment. And emphatically this week of the accelerating unraveling in the States. BLM. Injustice is thriving and I support any effort against it...

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