Sunday, June 21, 2020


Sunrise on this first day of summer was 5:39 am. Today also honours International Refugees, Indigenous Peoples, and of course ---- Father's Day!! All 4 of these put together are very close to my heart...

Things are easing up. I got my first haircut since early March. Pat baked rolly-polly's to mark the occasion and calls them Rick Bits. You know, like the ones Tim has??

Show-offs in the garden this week include irises, pink poppies, and peonies.

We went to Toronto for a HearYe -HearYe (?). Masked take-out from our Goof and down to a bench on the boardwalk. We had to stay 3 geese apart! The kite surfers blew by, distancing bigtime.

Paint By Number?? The tool room at the Toronto place got cleaned out of years of leftover paint cans. Unloaded and added to up here. 26 cans now on the road ---- how many will be taken by tonight??

Signs of wildlife? Snakeskin and furry flurry.

Beautiful topdown drive to Lion's Head on the 90th Parallel. A recent storm jammed tons of rock on the shore. Their iconic lighthouse got destroyed too but the rebuild has started.

It's time for a new motor of some kind. I've got a licence to fly, I've had outboard boats, and you know about all the old cars. One of these is in the works --- any guesses??

But today belongs to Dad. Anything that comes out of my hands, head, or abilities comes from Walter Wyszynski. Love forever, your son Richard...

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