Sunday, August 4, 2019


Weather extremes are continuing ---- chilly nights, hot sunrises, wild storms (but a good test of the new chimney flashing!).

The nearby Keady market used to be farmers and livestock but has morphed to add flea market, baked goods, and crowds out for a daytrip. Plants and pastry. Mennonites and buskers.

In the garden the roses have faded but the berries are bountiful. Mid-summer blossoms include water hyacinth, tiger lilies, and crocosmia (that one reminds me of exotic plants in the highlands of Kenya...).

Turkeys are around with their new brood. But a vicious fight broke out just outside the window. Turf war? Loud, aggressive, going for the jugular.

Job of the week was thinning out more ash trees --- they grow like weeds. Get out the ladder, rope, chain saw, and back muscles. Harder than it looks...especially in the heat!

It's a holiday weekend here so we went for a topless drive to Wasaga, the longest freshwater beach in the world (14km). Memories of family gatherings at Point Pelee, long ago.

Can you tell I'm in a bit of a hurry today? We have a current-day family gathering later this afternoon. The Baker whipped up contributions for the dessert table. The Dish washer had to clean up but managed to nick some.....Surprised??

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