Sunday, August 18, 2019


There's still some hot days of summer but there are also many signs that the season is ebbing. Tireless wasps fly hundreds of mud mouthfuls to build nests, even on chair cushions. Geese are practicing their V's even in the rain.

The longest ladder sticks out of the Escape, but there's no escape from tree pruning. So much growth this year that branches are in your face or scraping the car. All those limbs --- what a drag.

We took a nostalgia ride to Pat's childhood farm 'hood. The Mennonites are still flourishing, with kids on push bikes (note her bare feet). The menfolk don't quite make the speed limit but wave as the Other World passes. Which is more sustainable?

The highlight of the nostalgia is the very river that Pat swam in, and was teased at as a little girl. Still looks inviting!

But sadly the big news of the week was the sale of the Mustang. After our last cruise, we vetted the new owner --- she's worthy because she's had an M before, she's very clean/tidy, and she is known as Mama Donkey in her home town. She has at least 5 rescue donkeys on her property; someone with heart. Still, it's the first time I don't have a red convertible in many decades!!

So I'm now blue about the whole situation. But we'll just hold our nose, jump in, and look for the Next Red Thing. Any predictions??

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