Sunday, July 28, 2019


Wild swings in the weather this week. Record-breaking heat here as in much of the world. Rough times if you're shingling or racing the Tour de France or putting down asphalt --- stay hydrated! Then pouring rain and some very welcome thunderstorms overnight. (Where do the butterflies hide??)

The sun/rain/sun does wonders in the garden. Roses and clematis are bursting. Canada Lilies are late but straining for the rays. The smoke bush looks like its doing a whole carton of Marlboros at once.

Still no progress with the repaving at Wineva in Toronto. We didn't want to waste a trip so we had a look at some other places to live. High in the sky, great views, downtown buzz. Hmmm...

But also in the harbour this installation, a reminder of the plight of refugees around the world. People just trying for a better life. Are they anonymous and ignored by passing ships (the rest of us??).

Even in the heat the yard work never ends --- and that's a good thing. Pat mulches her beauties and even gives them reading material! The Other One is down the slope thinning and hauling ash and cedar. Oh --- Pat is also harvesting a bumper crop of fruit and veggies!

Back in Toronto the CN Tower offers a thrill in these scary times. Just hang in there!

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