Sunday, March 24, 2019


Our first full week back just happened to include the first day of spring ---- coincidence?  I think not! A rare trumpeter swan honked a raspy hello on its rest stop before migrating further. And winter cravings just keep getting satisfied...pass the sour cream!

On the beach are the winners of the 5th annual international winter installation competition. This year's theme is a very timely and personally relevant one: "Migration". There's only one issue affecting everything on this planet --- the horrors happening due to climate change (note this morning's news about cyclones, fires, flooding, and extreme temperatures). So, one installation depicts humans migrating to wherever they feel less threatened, in many ways. Our ancestors were among migrants, so we are mirrored in this one.

Another is "Above the Wall", a comment on the folly of wall-building as a solution to anything. One side puts it up, the other side finds a way over.

The"Mind Station" resembles a round of Swiss cheese, complete with holes. But you can stand on a support and pop-up to see we're all in the same boat.

But the one most meaningful to us is the "Forest of Butterflies". Iconic orange-and-yellow Monarch butterflies are champion migrators, fluttering thousands of miles each year. We've been to their protected wintering grounds, and we provide a sanctuary at our place in the summer. Our Spirit Animal, and you can put a ring on that!

So Spring is here and as the saying goes, "Hope Springs Eternal". Local kids mark international Water Day by cleaning up the shore. And lo and behold --- there's the first robin on our street. Feeling optimistic yet??

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