Sunday, March 10, 2019


It has been raining and snowing off and on, so March has come in like a lion. As in, the iconic snow-covered "lions" in the distance --- see 'em? But down at sea level, flocks of ducks graze on fresh sprouts and phantom beavers munch on handy hardwoods. Memories of Ontario!

Out the window, cars from the heights pass by with snow cover. Icy roads cause fender-benders. Window washers spray us down like a self-serve car wash. And Pancake Tuesday is celebrated with ... French toast?!?! Hey, it's the thought that counts.

Spring flowers appear one way or another. The park's Iron Lady is faithfully freshened daily. Pink bursts from trees --- but is that the start of Cherry Blossom Festival or not?? And The Gardener gets her fix wherever she can...

Overnight cold restores a snowline on the mountains. And majestic Mount Baker looms over the local harbour --- even though it's 150 miles away in Washington state!

Grouse Mountain is the city alpine ski hill accessible by local bus. So it's an easy and scenic start for a daytrip. One of Pat's cousins was the lead engineer on creating the gondola lift system!

The walk downhill is 7 miles beginning through giant cedar sentinels. Then past Cleveland Dam, the source of the city's drinking water. Eventually you reach the Lion's Gate Bridge (as in "The Lions", first picture above...) And over it, slightly creepy but with spectacular views. 3,000 feet drop in elevation, Sky to Sea!

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