Sunday, March 31, 2019


It's the last day of March and we're still waiting for spring, no April Foolin'. We took a load up to Kemble but what's going on? Stay tuned...

Still lots of snow up the hill but the sun is trying to melt it off. Some budding, some thawing. Ice on the pond is so thick it could be May before the frogs can wake up.

Back in the city, The City has contracted tree pruners that leave the wires clear but the trees hacked. In the closeup of the downpipe in the rain, note the amputated limbs.

This morning there's more snow falling. Sure, you can warm up by the fireplace....but where's that elusive Spring. April Fool?

Sunday, March 24, 2019


Our first full week back just happened to include the first day of spring ---- coincidence?  I think not! A rare trumpeter swan honked a raspy hello on its rest stop before migrating further. And winter cravings just keep getting satisfied...pass the sour cream!

On the beach are the winners of the 5th annual international winter installation competition. This year's theme is a very timely and personally relevant one: "Migration". There's only one issue affecting everything on this planet --- the horrors happening due to climate change (note this morning's news about cyclones, fires, flooding, and extreme temperatures). So, one installation depicts humans migrating to wherever they feel less threatened, in many ways. Our ancestors were among migrants, so we are mirrored in this one.

Another is "Above the Wall", a comment on the folly of wall-building as a solution to anything. One side puts it up, the other side finds a way over.

The"Mind Station" resembles a round of Swiss cheese, complete with holes. But you can stand on a support and pop-up to see we're all in the same boat.

But the one most meaningful to us is the "Forest of Butterflies". Iconic orange-and-yellow Monarch butterflies are champion migrators, fluttering thousands of miles each year. We've been to their protected wintering grounds, and we provide a sanctuary at our place in the summer. Our Spirit Animal, and you can put a ring on that!

So Spring is here and as the saying goes, "Hope Springs Eternal". Local kids mark international Water Day by cleaning up the shore. And lo and behold --- there's the first robin on our street. Feeling optimistic yet??

Sunday, March 17, 2019


The last few days in Vancouver were bittersweet ---- great sights and hikes but no sign of the early spring and cherry blossoms. Snow returned to the upper levels but there were dandelions down below! One interesting sight was the Solo, a made-in-Vancouver 3-wheeler electric car for one. It's the future of urban delivery services...

On the last Sunday, joined our fellow sun-soakers for the hike around Lighthouse Point. Just a bus ride from downtown but it's an overwhelming area of never-logged old-growth giant cedars. Forest bathing but with views of the skyline!

Apprehensive about the flight home but fortunately we were not MAX-ed out. Five hours to marvel at this beautiful diverse country.

A quick trip to The View and no early spring there either. Despite heavy rains and some warm days, the snow and ice are still deep. Easy to spot wild footprints --- oh deer!

So we're staying in the city for a while yet. Thick ice has trapped the recycle bins. A thick branch has cracked off in a storm, snagged on two decks and utility cables. It's bigger than it looks, so look out below. But it's great to be home again; all the cravings of the last months are being looked after. Happy St. Pat-Rick Day! 

Sunday, March 10, 2019


It has been raining and snowing off and on, so March has come in like a lion. As in, the iconic snow-covered "lions" in the distance --- see 'em? But down at sea level, flocks of ducks graze on fresh sprouts and phantom beavers munch on handy hardwoods. Memories of Ontario!

Out the window, cars from the heights pass by with snow cover. Icy roads cause fender-benders. Window washers spray us down like a self-serve car wash. And Pancake Tuesday is celebrated with ... French toast?!?! Hey, it's the thought that counts.

Spring flowers appear one way or another. The park's Iron Lady is faithfully freshened daily. Pink bursts from trees --- but is that the start of Cherry Blossom Festival or not?? And The Gardener gets her fix wherever she can...

Overnight cold restores a snowline on the mountains. And majestic Mount Baker looms over the local harbour --- even though it's 150 miles away in Washington state!

Grouse Mountain is the city alpine ski hill accessible by local bus. So it's an easy and scenic start for a daytrip. One of Pat's cousins was the lead engineer on creating the gondola lift system!

The walk downhill is 7 miles beginning through giant cedar sentinels. Then past Cleveland Dam, the source of the city's drinking water. Eventually you reach the Lion's Gate Bridge (as in "The Lions", first picture above...) And over it, slightly creepy but with spectacular views. 3,000 feet drop in elevation, Sky to Sea!