Sunday, February 17, 2019

2500 MILES TO ...SNOW & COLD?!?!

After a month away, had to go north to check out the home on the hill last Monday. Brutal cold and snow but the pipes haven't burst and the shingles haven't blown away. Who knows what the fish are doing under a foot of ice on the pond...

Back in Toronto, we're part of a massive Arctic vortex colder than... the Arctic! It's a garbage day in more ways than one. We can show proof of life, but just barely.

Hey kids! Let's go west to British Columbia, famous for balmy climate and early spring! Oh --- everything has to be de-iced first? The Rockies are majestic, as always. But look at that --- even Vancouver is white??

Yep, it's winter here too. Historic amounts of snow and cold. The apartment is welcoming but not warm. And that's not jet-lag hallucination --- the dawn is as frosty as back east.

What the heck?! We have never seen Vancouver in snow --- not even at the 2010 Winter Olympics. The locals are shocked but go on a snowman binge. Iconic beaches  and birds are snowbound. And it keeps coming all night...

So we've come cross-Canada to have...more winter! Vancouver's mild reputation has been snowed under. But the worst may be over. Signs of spring are encouraging. Rowers scull in view of snowcaps. Cavalcades of protesters emerge like grumpy bears out of hibernation. And brave crocus bloom, like giving a purple finger to Old Man Winter. Next week --- daffodils??

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