Sunday, December 30, 2018


Last week on Christmas Day, nice to see the beach being repopulated by Mexicans themselves. Big tide kept bringing in big waves over the seawall. Whales and dolphins are now back in the bay, easy to spot just offshore.

Everyday scenes? One guy has rocks in his head...

Another helps us break bread...

With oysters back in season, one family is shuckin' and jivin'...

While others bike to nowhere.

Many of the small venue music acts are tribute bands, everything from Creedence Clearwater to Billy Joel. The really powerful Whitney Houston tribute is a woman from the Toronto area who used to be a prison guard. And the best Elvis is also Canadian!

A day hike up the river leads to Paso Ancho. Steep cliffs along a still clean waterway. Some bridges OK, some not so much! And horsepower still rules the road.

Another daytrip around the bay goes to La Cruz. As in "The Cross". Surprisingly tranquil with ancient trees in the zocalo. But next door, Bucerias is a full-blown beach town.

Try some Mexican traditions at New Year's. Eat 12 grapes at midnight to get 12 wishes. Sweep the floor outward to drive anything bad away from your home. Wear red underwear that night to attract love, or yellow to attract wealth. (Maybe you can go with a nice red-AND-yellow combo?) Here's a hug-kiss-kiss-hug from us to you. Prospero Ano Nuevo!

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