Sunday, October 15, 2017


Weather changes so quickly that we hurried up to Queen Elizabeth Park for spectacular views while the sun shone. One of many Vancouver beauty spots, this one is a rehabbed quarry turned into a botanical bonanza. Everything from banana bush to pine trees!

Various cultural rituals on display too. The large Persian community celebrates kid's events like any other. An artistic interpretation of the "lovelocks" phenomenon, started in France. And The Gardener marveling at the variety on this side of the country. What could flourish back east??

A couple of train-traveled cousins arrived from over the Rockies! Had to see the main sites like the totem pole tribute and Prospect Point. Parking the car was a creative manoeuvre because the TV series "Supergirl" is being filmed around town. But lunch was a comfort food treat at a famous perogi palace!

Then our favourite Aussie joined in for an authentic dinner. What else --- Australian pies of all kinds, from classic steak-and-mushies to leftover Thanksgiving turkey and cranberry.  A fun reunion catching up on important topics like college football, jobs, and travel prospects for all of us.

But the weather has turned wet and chilly since. Cleveland Dam, the water source for the city, needs a top up! No snow yet in the higher elevations but the gondolas will fly you to the clouds and beyond. Back at English bay, sailboats claim the right-of-way over huge cargo ships.

Classic west coast rains are now a daily forecast to some degree or other. Four of the group of 5 at that Aussie pie shop have fought a flu bug. But between showers two things return ---- float planes, and the rainbows. Now, if I could just catch SuperGirl...

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