Sunday, October 16, 2016


The autumn colours are near their peak on our road, with sugar maples the gaudiest scarlet. Look for another red maple leaf further below...

After almost three months of promises, the driveways of we three neighbours finally got asphalted. Quite a production with steaming truckloads, high-tech paver, and gnarly (but experienced) crew. First up was a neighbour's lane, good practice for the important one next door. Even grown men stopped work to watch all the action.

Then quickly over to our side. In about 4 hours they dumped, shaped, rolled, and primped what had been a rough area for 30-some years. Can you spot a yellow paving roller in the barn where a red-and-tan highway roller is supposed to be??

With the driveway unusable for a couple of days, we drove to Michigan for a bra fitting. Is black a good colour for me?

More importantly, we caught up with a lot of family news over a French-toast breakfast. We're between Canadian Thanksgiving and the U.S. kind but we shared gratitude every day for our health and contenting lives.

For fun and chaos we had to stop at C & N's, with G and the Twinkies M & C. Seeing happy kids and loving parents made the day even sunnier. A large tree used to be where that round sandbox is now. So a replacement tree (called "Pat-rick"!) has been planted. Even though it's a tulip tree, somehow there was a red maple leaf hanging on it. Go figure.

After playing with the kids' toys I got to drive my own over to the Stratford Festival for a high-energy and uplifting performance of Chorus Line. It deserves all the Tony's and Pulitzer prizes it has received over the 42 years!

Drove back this morning in heavy rain. The Good News? --- last week's impromptu chimney wrap may have stopped the roof leak. But the same neighbour who got the first asphalt told us there is a problem in our shared water line. So the Bad News?--- our water pump might burn out. Too much water or too little water, take your pick.

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