Sunday, May 15, 2016


A sunny spring start to the week. The bra on the car shaped up nicely on all the curves in the warmth of the rays. So we took a quick trip to our Toronto Beach 'hood to get re-energized with some city buzz. Two major themes on our block --- sky-high house prices and peak magnolia season! There's always something new, such as the reconfiguring of nearby iconic Kew Park. We're among the majority that aren't convinced it's an improvement, more like more commercial space. Sigh.

 But The Beach still overflows with dogs, babies, and local pride. Guess who grafittied about the trees??

Back at Kemble Work Camp, The Gardener presides over bloomin' colours. With a side of asparagus!

The Other Guy clears the underbrush to make open space and access trails. Note before, during, and after...

Around the feeder the birds are still in a frenzy. Is this a mirror image of grosbeaks? And in the gloom of dusk, a hungry raccoon squirms under the mesh to vacuum up the day's leftovers. Bon appetito!

But this morning Mother Nature pulled the rug (and gazebo!) our from under Spring with cold wind and wet snow. Mid-May? No way!!

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