Sunday, August 24, 2014


The scheduled summer repaving of our country road is still not happening. There are all kinds of signage, paint markings, new guard rails, even this asphalt grinder --- but no blacktop in sight, for 18 kilometers! Up the hill, everything this year has been healthy and lush. Trees are soaring, flowers oversized. and veggies more bountiful than usual. These spaghetti melons made a yummy main course last night.

Speaking of melons, the bra for the Mustang finally arrived and will help keep the front end clean from bugs, chips, and Interstate 75 over the winter. In the meantime, a mouse had  hauled off this purple-wrapped chocolate gifted to us from the same source as the bra! The mice have started to come indoors (no idea how they get in) with the colder days and the annual trapping ritual has begun. Not pleasant.

But the big surprise this week was a juvenile Fox snake. At first we saw it on the driveway as it supposedly slinked away into the grass. An hour later I opened the van's hood to check the oil and HOLY COW! there it was curled up on the air intake. Scary when you don't expect it. We think it hitch-hiked over from the shores of Lake Huron, where Pat had visited --- it's common habitat. I tried to remove it but it corkscrewed into the motor compartment and was holding on so strongly I couldn't drag it out without severe damage (to the snake, not the van!).

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