Sunday, August 3, 2014


The week started in Toronto enjoying the last day of the Jazz Fest --- the Latin Stage, the Youth Stage, the Big Band Stage, and the Main Stage all had music that just made us get up and dance. Then back to Kemble for the morning sunrise flares on the water, as red as a sunburn.

What's new in the gardens? How about this gooseneck loose strife, looking a lot like, well, a flock of geese in the grass? And the experimental quinoa is tall and turning reddish. Other blossoms are keeping up the show in quantity and quality. In the pond this year's fishies (called "14's" --- get it??) are getting along swimmingly. And it looks like a lily is trying to master the hula hoop!

At the house, hundreds of wasps are not happy that their access to the roof has been cut off. Somehow, though, they have found a way to get indoors. We either catch-and-release them, or vaccuum them, or we have our trained ants haul them away!

The Dakota convertible drew a lot of admirers at a local cruise; it's 25 years old this year. So it finally qualifies for "historic" licence plates, but not old enough to be judged at a concours d'elegance (must be 40 or more). But the dark secret of the week was the arrival of pot from Michigan. Actually, a lot of them! No money changed hands when this deal went down --- they took 3 chocolate cakes instead. Notice the guy drooling on the cake box...

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