Sunday, September 8, 2013


The fun and excitement of being back in Toronto just keeps happening. The summer buzz of our Beach neighbourhood is fading out while the next buzz fades in bigtime. Off the boardwalk, the Paddleboard Yoga is a delicate balancing act ---- that lake is cold! And no lifeguards to rescue you --- they put away the rowboats and go back to school after Labour Day.

We went over to Toronto Islands to watch the buzzing of the Air Show; the skyline dramatic as ever. Back at the apartment, the latest jobs were replacing the bathroom vanity, and finishing up the kitchen cupboards with the buzz of the drill ("Where do you want the knob, Pat??")

But the BIG buzz is the Toronto International Film Festival. The most public one in the world, I think, with huge crowds of savvy  film-goers and celebrity watchers rubbing shoulders with A-list movie stars. A real rush to feel the excitement all around as 300 films from 70 countries, including 140 world premieres, unspool this week. Even when we didn't know who was being mobbed and cajoled, the mood was festive and friendly. For my special occasion, Pat treated me to an obscure film titled "Little Feet", not something that will ever be in theatres but fascinating because of child acting and the film-makers Q & A. A $9000 production made on borrowed and expired16mm filmstock! Plus a harrowing 11-minute first film by a promising female Puerto Rican film student: "Luna Vieja".

Back at the red carpet, wewerethisclosetothebuzzofColinFirthandNicoleKidman. Colin didn't turn in our direction, but Nicole was gracious and lovely from the back or front. Now, on to that party at Brad's hotel!!!

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