Friday, February 22, 2013


For our first week on the island we are in a $35/day 600 sq. ft. rental apartment above a carpenter’s shop. One bedroom, good kitchen, cross breezes all day in every direction. Two balconies (facing east to ocean and west to channel) and open staircase to the roof for the nightly sunset show. Bananas are ripening at the carpenter’s level, but I can’t quite grab them from the balcony rail. Send monkey.

We’re in the working-class Mexican neighbourhoods called “colonias”, hoping to immerse in more authentic culture than touristy downtown. (Quite a prosperous building boom going on as homes up and down the street are adding a second-storey of cement blocks.) The colonias are named after heroes (col. Zapata), functions (“col. Meteorlogico” = weather station), trade contacts (col. Japonesa), and religious/military themes. We are in col. La Gloria, the last category listed. Across the street is the pounding surf of the rocky side. Down the road is a progressive attempt at a living green roof. At the southern tip of this 5-mile island are the rusting remnants of a 2008 international sculpture competition. The mainland hotel strip of Cancun is visible across the 8-mile channel.

It’s all very interesting although groceries and snorkeling spots are 2 and 3-mile walks. And the biggest problem so far is that we do not have an internet connection after 2 days of trying to contact the owner. This blog is being sent out from an internet shop in Colonia Desperate! Maybe we should have a talk with Ixchel, the Mayan goddess of good medicine, and considered “God’s mother”! More glory for La Gloria --- just send wifi!!

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