Sunday, April 24, 2022


 Just a follow-up on last Sunday's Easter. Sure enough, the Bunny DID show up for his own parade. Officially, it's the longest-running Easter Parade in North America...

First parade after two pandemic cancellation years, so a good time had by all...

Also in the city --- a late snowball, "pink" full moon, and more tour boats ready for the season.

Back up the hill, a piece of the 2006 railing has rotted. Had to call back the builder to replace it. Then, he finished the job using his dad's 1950's handsaw. Tribute to another era!

The creatures continue their own spring parade. Foxes make daily patrols. Grackles live up to their image of thug-birds. Towhees, jays, woodpeckers. Male and female purple finch pose for their close-up (looks more red than purple?).

But the big sighting this week was a black bear, about a month earlier than last year. And a different one --- no yellow ear tags. Took his time sniffing, climbing, standing, roaming. Probably hungry and curious from  a long winter's nap?

Yardwork completes this week's archive. New pond pump is smaller, lighter, stronger. The bird feeder had to be rebuilt (after a smash-and-grab by the black bear mentioned above). Who's up for a lucky 8 reward?

Sunday, April 17, 2022


 Happy Easter! The Bunny is everywhere and knows if you've been bad or good...

A teaser of a warm day and a guy's thoughts go under the hood. The girl makes sure there's a spare. And who's that behind the wheel ready to go??

The great winged migration has started. Put up the feeders and rescue the early birds who are out-of-practice.

First sightings of goldfinches, blue jays, and flocks of ground-feeding juncos. Welcome back!

Meanwhile some squirrels act like birds. And our resident fox patrols daily. Marking the turf this way proves it's a female.

The Bunny loves the countryside. Awaiting daffodils or watching for fish in the pond. 

Back at the Quay the boating season is on. Island ferries are on full schedule. Water taxis are available if you're in  hurry. Sailing schools skiff in the wind. And even the evening dinner cruise glides by ---- it's still cold out there!

Nearby, Jurassic Park is full of Raptor playoff fans. This guy came over from the Jays game and loaded up for the event.

Overall it's a special day of rebirth and hope (especially for besieged Ukraine). The Bunny leaves chocolate kisses to those who are worthy. He loves being up the hill but will he go to the big city for his own parade??