Sunday, December 19, 2021


Early in the week ferocious winds rattled our windows and wrecked havoc on the streets. Enough! Travel restrictions had been lifted and cheap packages were available, so let's finally leave town. Cold enough the plane had to be deiced, but soon the water turned turquoise and the clouds were fluffy. Isla Cozumel!

Happy to arrive in our beloved Mexico but within an hour all turned sad/angry. The only time we had ever taken a checked bag ---- and they lost it!! Meetings, forms, languages, hanging around at the airport for hours. Taken to the hotel (our room upper left in picture) but without clothes, toiletries ----- and snorkel gear, etc. Had to get hot-weather shorts, tops, razor, etc. What would you need to get by? In the meantime, 4 cruise ships a day and ---- a brazen wild coati mundi scrambled around the pool!

Took a daytrip ferry over to Playa del Carmen, last there a few years ago. As usual, all built up with emphasis on shopping, and shopping. Too bad, it was a classic fishing village that was too good to be left alone. Nice beach but the best sight was this 1954 Ford woodie wagon. Give me the keys!

4 long friggin' fretting days later ---- bag delivered after midnight! (Where has it been?)

Within hours catching up with our bums in the ocean and swimming with the fishies. Ahhhhh. 

And a must-do for the Guy ---- a motorbike cruise right around the wild side of the island, about 95 km on a red Honda. Some salvation...

The weather has been ideal with warmth and breezes. Tropical dawn, full moon, a hint of a rainbow (good luck to come?), and classic sunsets. 

But Omicron has burst out while we've been gone. We're double-vaxxed and boosted too but still need PCR tests to get back home. Is it beginning to look at all like Christmas??

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