Sunday, August 15, 2021


 A lot of deja vu this week. For example, there weren't many apple blossoms this spring but ---- voila ---- suddenly red apples are emerging all over the place. Maybe it's the 42C giving them a sunburn?

Newly formed monarchs are on the wing, fluttering as high as geese practicing their V's. The elusive hummingbird moth is seen once a year --- there it was out the window.

Birds that usually hide in the shade are out in full colour daily. Cardinals, goldfinches, etc. And oh yeah, the gimpy turkey is back after 3 or 4 months in the woods.

Another returnee is a black bear, one of several roaming the area. Dim in the dawn, and in no hurry to leave as we watched a few feet away.

The Pond Keeper is back, in boots and work shorts like a country singer. But why is the Country Couple baack in the city?

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