Sunday, April 18, 2021


 April sky has its moods up here, from glorious (and earlier!) sunrises to ominous is-that-a-tornado-coming? But spring is springing and colours are more and more sunny...

The waterfall has started its annual gurgling. Mountains of rich compost are available at the town recycling yard, but you have to load it, then unload it. The Gardener portions it out like nourishment to the needy.

The passing of Prince Philip rates a historical mention. He and the Queen have book-ended Canadian lives for 70+ years. What lives they have lived, no span like it ever again...

In the feather and fur category, we have multiple redwinged blackbirds far from their usual marshy habitat. Flickers are foraging amongst buggy tree trunks. Chipmunks gather with all the squirrels --- red, black, grey. But they all disappear instantly when a predator is near. Look --- our first merlin!

Our fridge was looking and sounding a bit weary but we were told a new one wouldn't be available til June or later. Seems they are on  that ship in the Suez Canal! Frantic scans of Craigslist and Kijiji showed some recons at the Hanover Flea Market. Bending the restrictions, we were let in and browsed in  darkened rooms. Relief --- we found one the right size. So this week's ritual Chinese takeout was from China8 in Hanover...

Then the crew had to get it home and into the kitchen. Plotting, grumbling, and even some cursing in several languages. But Voila! the Frigidaire has landed --- notice the Mover even reversed the handles. Here's the Kitchen Queen doing a combo of The Price Is Right, and Vanna revealing...

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