Sunday, April 4, 2021


 It's been a huge week for the open-air zoo up here. But let's get it over with ---- the biggest ham today is the Easter Bunny. He'll probably show up all over the place...

March went out like a lion with a snowfall overnight into April Fool's. At the same time we've had great views of the full Worm Moon waxing and waning overnight. The pond fish have been enjoying stretching their fins. The hardy crocus stayed colourful even in the white blanket.

Twenty more heritage boxes! So many life memories emerging after decades in a barn. This load included literally thousands of greeting cards sent to all of us at the last Windsor address. Plus mementoes and artifacts from countries far away. What treasure!

Another but different fox sniffed around the squirrel area. This one seemed younger and more skitzy. But sooo beautiful, no?

Old favourites this week? Tiny exquisite hepatica in flower. An outgoing lakes freighter that needs a paint job. The return of the redpoll ---- on its way (another 500 miles) to Hudson Bay to breed!!

More of that rascal bunny...

The groundskeeper thinned out some winter-browsed sumach stalks while nearby wild Tom Turkey strutted his stuff for his harem. Indoors, his domestic cousin is the guest of honour today...

ANOTHER FIRST! A big thick-furry fisher appeared just the outside the window. Large, clawed, and wild. What a zoo!

The Bunny got his sticky nose into those cards mentioned above. No surprise which ones were the favourite? Happy Easter!

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