Sunday, January 24, 2021


We're getting an unforgettable reminder of winter. The bay steams because the freezing water is actually warmer than the air. Snow slants in almost every day. Tree limbs are coated like icing on cake. Wanna bite?

So the Shovel Brigade is on call, even when the thermo goes double digits the wrong way. The roof now gets attention before deep drifting damage. 

Only a thin path is shoveled all the way down. Then the challenge of coming back up! When Honey returns, the reward is coming out of the oven. Full of spice and everything nice (like him??)--- it's Honey Loaf!

More fox patrols, always awesome to see. After passing by our window, she warily approaches some chicken skin in the snow. Yummy. Way better than a mouthful of squirrel fur!!

But what happens next is another event never seen up here. The fox takes the leftovers and buries them in a snow pile! Will she remember? You don't see that on Animal Channel.

In the big picture, the inauguration of Joe and Kamala brought some light and hope after 4 years of chaos and despair. (Wisdom of age and experience) + (diversity with energy) = (relief and anticipation of better things to come). 

The World crosses it's fingers. Me too. Serious fireworks are coming with COVID and crazies. But for now, good luck to the USA.

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