Sunday, January 31, 2021


 Why am I not surprised, just not liking it? It's been the coldest days of the season so far with big minus numbers. You don't have to be a circus clown to have a red nose as soon as you go out! Even the full moon resembles Pac Man in red. Ice forms easily in clear pearls or white sheets. The locals just keep shoveling...

Another episode of fox news this week. The fox snow path zigs and zags, like evading a follower. Momma fox makes sure the coast is clear, then the juvenile shows up for hunting lessons. Their red shoulders are bright against the snow and this time no squirrels were harmed.

Then the fox family went over to the south side for an easier snack. Mom still set the scene, like security at an inauguration. Then the youngster emerges and chows down. When does Mom get to eat??

But this week's First Ever was the appearance of a Red-Shouldered Hawk camouflaged in the trees. It sat there unflinching for an hour, scoping out the --- you guessed it ---- squirrels at the feeder. Majestic and wild at the same time. Like the fox, no fur flew this time. But somebody's getting lucky ---- the number of squirrels has dropped from about 20 to less than 10 lately.

Ontario continues to be in severe COVID restrictions. We have to imagine the sunrise over warmer bodies of water. A sun flare looks like a rocket blasting off in that famous southern state. Oh --- three healthy deer strolled by one dawn. Their overnight spot was obvious in hillside clearings. 

All travel plans have been cancelled for this winter. The best we do is drive around the county. Not China, just the best Chinese in town...

Sunday, January 24, 2021


We're getting an unforgettable reminder of winter. The bay steams because the freezing water is actually warmer than the air. Snow slants in almost every day. Tree limbs are coated like icing on cake. Wanna bite?

So the Shovel Brigade is on call, even when the thermo goes double digits the wrong way. The roof now gets attention before deep drifting damage. 

Only a thin path is shoveled all the way down. Then the challenge of coming back up! When Honey returns, the reward is coming out of the oven. Full of spice and everything nice (like him??)--- it's Honey Loaf!

More fox patrols, always awesome to see. After passing by our window, she warily approaches some chicken skin in the snow. Yummy. Way better than a mouthful of squirrel fur!!

But what happens next is another event never seen up here. The fox takes the leftovers and buries them in a snow pile! Will she remember? You don't see that on Animal Channel.

In the big picture, the inauguration of Joe and Kamala brought some light and hope after 4 years of chaos and despair. (Wisdom of age and experience) + (diversity with energy) = (relief and anticipation of better things to come). 

The World crosses it's fingers. Me too. Serious fireworks are coming with COVID and crazies. But for now, good luck to the USA.

Sunday, January 17, 2021


 It's easy to fear the worst these days, with COVID raging despite all efforts (here) or almost no efforts (there). Plus the many bad omens surrounding the upcoming week in the Divided States. But then totally unexpected arrives greetings from our heartfelt literacy connection in Saskatchewan. Can you READ Saskatoon in the chocolate wrapper? What a fitting combo to send during lockdown---- a camper and a treat! 

Indoors, more treats ---- this time called "Cherry Bombs". Our friend the Sun is sometimes shrouded but arrives earlier every day. 

Today's preoccupation is with the ice dams in the house gutters. The trough on the south side softened up a bit but the downspout is clogged with ice and leaves.

The eavestrough on the north side is still frozen solid. Chipping away eventually works with foot-long chunks coming out. But the full 40 feet takes time to clear and fingers get numb. 

Take the small blessings where you can find them! Dozens of squirrels entertain all day and the shovelfulls of sunflower husks are the price to pay for the show. The heritage cloth box dazzles with amateur artistry of spring. And beneath all that snow and ice ---- green grass, like hope springing eternal. Maybe we'll get through this?!?

Sunday, January 10, 2021


 Hard to believe we're well into January restrictions and going only partially stir-crazy. Lots of long walks, tethered to town like the over-wintering freighters. One outlet is our friendly library, providing curbside pickup of books and videos. What are you doing for relief?

The sky is usually more spectacular to watch than those DVD's. Pinky sunrises and sunsets with a shiny new quarter after midnight.

Happy visitors at the feeder. Goldfinches share with a downy woodpecker that makes the hanger seem like a tree branch. One of the dozens of squirrels has figured out how to jump 6 feet through the air to the pot of gold. Other squirrels strip the tender sheath of the sumach shoots. 

A cycle of snowfall, melt, rain, freeze has caused a 6" thick ice dam in the troughs. Could cause damage to shingles and roofing, so some non-seasonal ladder work is necessary. Snow cover gets cleared first, then chiseling away at the 'bergs. Ice sculpture??

But the big thrill this week was the first sighting here of a grey wolf, far south of normal territory. Had to confirm the I.D. from the fresh tracks. Yup, that was a wolf. No boredom for The Baker --- new cookies, now called --- Wolftracks! Guess who followed the trail??