Sunday, December 27, 2020


 Christmas up here was gentle and warm. Affections and devotions were abundant. Comfort food in many forms emerged from the heart and the oven. No turkeys were harmed!

Hard to stay active in the winter, especially when the old treadmill finally lost its bearings. Those things are heavy --- the old one coming out in pieces, the new (donated) one coming in in bruises. It's temporarily upstairs where we can have some daylight on our walks...

White Christmas happened with a major snowdump lasting 36 hours. Winter wonderland in all directions. The depth gauge on the deck rail showed a foot of white stuff, like icing piled on pound cake.

So we did get some outdoor exercise after all, just with shovels up and down the hill. Birds and squirrels were comical in their efforts to find morsels of food.

Then the sun came out for an hour or so. A sudden melt made all the local waterfalls rush 'n gush. But the scene became magical in all directions. 

Pat's car had been in the shop for a biblical 40 days when she finally got it back on Christmas Eve. Old Saint Nick has come and gone but our Santa's safely in the barn! Here's hoping for a much better 2021on this beat-up and ailing planet. Happy New Year everybody! 

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