Sunday, July 12, 2020


9 days of sweltering heat wave had withered plants and us too! Rain yesterday and clouds this morning found everything and everybody in better spirits...

That new chip pile cooked and steamed in the heat. Sweaty Guy dumped chips and rocks up the hill to earn his breakfast of ---- (see below).

Newly found in the gardens this week include mullein, hollyhocks, fleece flower, and basil that flourished in a container.

Also found and flourishing are sweet pea and birdsfoot trefoil (that yellow stuff).

Lost this season are apples (almost none) and pin cherries (small and few). But raspberries are coming on in quality and quantity.

In the pond, we have lost all our frogs but found new types of dragonfly. This one is a Black Meadowhawk.

For that morning meal mentioned above, the Occasional Cook found his inner Pancaker. It all comes back --- in stacks!

Returnees this season include young turkeys and bulk freighters shuttling in and out of the bay.

Sadly lost this year is my heartfelt run in Pamplona. The pandemic will spread its tentacles far and wide for a long time yet...

Hooray! Finally the arrival of our spirit butterfly! The monarchs have found the lavender and roses and milkweed at the end of their long journey --- or is it the start?

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