Sunday, July 5, 2020


The heat wave continues into July and the days ahead. Record high temps and more to come. Nights are a little cooler and last night's full moon was more dramatic than any artificial fireworks display.

In the gardens this week the red roses popped in record numbers. But also purple salvia, yellow coreopsis, spiky foxtail, and more pond lilies. In the food category Pat is harvesting peas, beans, and a full salad of lettuce every day. Very gratifying.

Standard chores are always ongoing. Yard gets mowed, furniture gets refinished, raspberries get shielded from thieving chipmunks. Our laneway was commandeered to bring down the neighbour's ash tree. We got another mound of chips!

Car news! Official car shows are cancelled these days but you can't keep those beauties in the garage forever. Word of a popup cruise got around and voila! 300 classics (and Sunny) crammed a parking lot and paraded through mobs of waving crowds on local roads. That's more like it...

But it was time to let the G6 go. A guy showed up and bought it on the spot --- for his daughter who turns 16 later this month! What did you get for your 16th?? As always, bittersweet feelings as another loyal carriage fades into road memories.

This week's highlight was Canada Day, July 1. How typically Canadian to go for a hike in the woods, swarmed by mosquitoes and spotting beavers! With all the chaos in the States and other countries around the world there's no better place to be than here in my home and native land. On cue, the Canada Lily flowered in tribute this week. Oh Canada!

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