Sunday, April 19, 2020


Covid 19 continues to rage around the world. Lockdowns and isolations are going into their second month. People's patience and ability to endure is creaking or cracking under ignorance and goading from high places. But up here our little world is doing all right. So which world will prevail??

Unusual and unstable and unseasonal weather greeted every dawn. On wintery days the sunrise was obscure or ominous. Lots of snow flurries, ice pellets, and freezing temps.

But on springlike days the sunrises were glorious Imax spectaculars. The race to follow crocus into bloom was a tie between hyacinth and daffodil, both ahead of their time. Down by the road the lengthy sunshine finally burst the pussy willows.

The unpredictable weather has affected the winged migration. Birds such as robins, towhees, and flickers depend on bugs and grubs in thawed ground. Others like finches, grackles, jays, etc., gorge on sunflower and niger in the feeders. And we have a solitary, female, limping, unafraid turkey too.

The chips are down. As in, at the bottom of the hill. Bins have to be filled from the pile, then loaded into the Escape --- 13 bins per shuttle.

Then the chips are up, as in at the top of the hill. Bins are offloaded and a fresh layer spread around the house, fence line, and poison ivy hotspots. First sighting of a garter snake --- sorry to disturb you!

So life goes on pretty much normal up here. It's when we go to town and encounter distancing and delivery-at-the-curb that the virus reality hit us. Last night's One World event provided inspiration, caring humanity, and much-needed support for WHO. What world do you see out your window?

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