Sunday, April 12, 2020


It's an Easter and Passover today like no other in this lifetime. Covid 19 continues to devastate the world, creating lockdowns, isolation, and the need for physical distancing. That means empty churches, schools, cinemas, sidewalks, and airports. Cabin fever rages up here while the real fever rages all around. 

The skies seem to be in sync with the unpredictable pandemic. Sunrises have been beautiful or spooky. Venus and the stars have been brilliant at night. The pink supermoon was awesome all by itself in the black velvet. Down on earth, the croci are still bringing colour to the psychological darkness.

Yardwork takes the mind off the despair. There's grasses to clear and the waterfall to rebuild. L from next door insists on gathering pine cones, so the lady of the house obliges. Down at the barn we get the prize in the box ---- chips ahoy!

Nature goes on, too. Remnants of squirrel nests on the shed (and a massive mouse nest in the motor of the Escape). A spotted salamander wakes from hibernation. A snowy day can't keep the jays away. And a chipmunk has burrowed a hidey-hole below the feeder. We call him "El Chipo" --- get it??

So the planet and us really need some smiles these bleak days. Here comes the Easter Bunny hopping down to the rescue! Very considerate --- he's masked to protect the treats. The silly guy has to stop and smell the flowers, and make sure his animal friends are OK.

The Bunny's visit has worked! We're choclatey and smiling --- and protected. Stay home, stay safe out there...

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