Sunday, April 21, 2019


First, here's the climate change evidence from the weather channel in our yard. Snow last Sunday, leaves un-rakeable, then pouring rain flooding the gardens, swim hole fills automatically. Dry canyon becomes torrent, forcing water into neighbour's basement.

Then sun appears mid-week, hooray! All kinds of work to catch up on, like in the pond. One fish has survived out of dozens. Trio of salamanders not so lucky.

The unstoppable winged migration continues. This week's arrivals include red-bellied woodpecker, fox sparrow, purple finches, and male/female cowbirds.

Sunrises are earlier and bring some warmth. But still ice floes coming down from the north ---- rare blue ice shows the purity of the water!

Today is the Bunny's day to shine, too. (Last night he joined in a birthday celebration --- 55 years for a certain iconic car: the red strawberry and white whipped cream (top down) are obvious clues...

This morning the Bunny emerged from the woods, treats in hand. Afterwards there was a chance to bask in the uplifting meaning of the day. But the Leafs go this afternoon ---- Happy Easter(n Conference)??

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